Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Baby Knowledge You Might Not Yet Have

By Logan Baxter

It is a widely understood fact that babies are adorable. They get to wear super cute and goofy looking clothes. How many adults do you know that can get away with wearing a clown pattered sweater? Being a baby certainly does not look all that difficult. Many people believe that babies are merely small humans who are fully formed (except that they need to learn how to talk). Babies are actually quite different from adults have their own sets of needs and wants. Here are a few things that you might not already know about babies.

The skull of a baby is still in independent plates at the time of birth. This is one of the main reasons that adults need to be careful when they are holding newborn babies. If you are not careful when you are handling your baby's head, you could accidentally do quite a bit of damage so tread lightly and carefully when you hold your newborn! The good news is that, within about three months the soft spot will harden up and not be quite so sensitive. It can take as long as a year and a half for the frontal plates of your baby's skull to harden, so don't assume that the worst is over when the soft spot calcifies together.

Did you know that some babies are born with teeth? On the other hand, other babies don't even start teething until they are more than a year old.

Most parents dread the teething process. It is important, though to not worry too much if your baby seems to start teething early or late. Babies grow at different rates and even if you have other kids who started to get their teeth in at a specific age that is not a guarantee that this baby will follow suit.

Experts agree that too much mercury is terrible for pregnancy but there are some forms of fish that are mercury free and eating them is a good idea. You've probably already had several people, including your doctor, recommend eating salmon because it is mercury free and contain a bunch of other stuff that is good for you and your baby. Some people believe that if you do not eat fish then your children will not have the same high levels of brain function or the same high skills for communication as those children born to women who did eat fish regularly while they are pregnant. This has not yet been proven beyond a doubt so if you do not eat fish, there is no need to panic.

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