Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rarely Known Baby Facts

By Carla Rigs

It's common knowledge that babies are fun and cute. They get to wear super cute and goofy looking clothes. How many adults do you know that can get away with wearing a clown pattered sweater? Being a baby certainly does not look all that difficult. These same people seem to think that, except for an inability to communicate properly, babies are not that much different from adults. While they do have seem to have only basic abilities and large needs, the truth is that babies are quite complex. Here are a few things that you might not already know about babies.

Babies are never dull! Whether or not you are ready to know this, at least fifty percent of what you think you know about babies is wrong. This article will teach you a few things about babies that you probably do not already know.

Even while a baby is in the womb he or she is sensitive to light. Your eyes are incredibly complicated devices. The sheer coordination needed for your eyes to function correctly will astound you. Babies' eyes are already useful by a few months after conception takes place. Even as early as six months after conception your baby will show signs of light sensitivity. Another interesting fact about babies: most Caucasian babies will not show their "true" eye color until a few months after they are born. The blue color in your baby's eyes will probably change if you are Caucasian. So do what you can not to let your heart get set on having a blue eyed child. They might change before you know it!

Even though it can take a few months for a baby to form specific words, their range of vocals is quite impressive. This is due to the fact that a baby's larynx won't be finished developing until long after the baby has been born. This is one of the reasons that babies can make more sounds than adults. If you pay attention you will find that babies quickly learn to use certain sounds for certain things. This is why a mother can usually tell if her baby's cries mean that he is hungry or tired or that he needs a diaper change. Another interesting fact is that most babies' first words are simple words that involve the consonants and vowels that are made with the front of the mouth. Babies will usually say "dada" before "mama" because "dada" uses the front of the mouth and is easier for the baby to learn to say-and it's first utterance is almost always an accident!

Most people believe that babies do not know how to smile before they are born. If a baby does smile before a certain point, most people think it is gas. Even experts thought that it was the parents that taught a baby to smile when it was happy, that the baby did not know how to express happiness right away. It was widely believed that it was easier for a baby to learn how to express unhappiness than it was to learn how to express happiness. Now scientists have learned differently. Advances have been made in ultrasound technology and more parents are seeing images of their children smiling while they are still in utero. Lots of mothers and fathers have been given photographic evidence of their baby smiling in the womb. Now scientists and doctors believe the reason babies do not smile for a while after they are born is because the process of being born is too traumatic.

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