Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Interesting Baby Trivia

By Carla Rigs

You should already know at least a little bit about babies. You've been told that babies take time to recognize people. You probably have been taught that a baby instinctively knows who his mother is almost as soon as he or she is born. You've probably learned that babies develop at their own rate. Baby's do not follow a pre-set schedule for milestones. You might be surprised to learn that there are plenty of other things to learn about child development and babies. Nothing is more interesting than watching a baby grow up. Even within the first few years of a person's life there are millions of fascinating changes. A baby's body might not look that complicated but it is an intrinsically complicated network of biology whose only goal is to keep developing!

You will never be bored with a baby! Think of what you know about babies and toss half of it out-you've been given a lot of bad information! You will probably learn at least a few new things when you read this article.

Some babies already have teeth when they are born-did you know that already? Other babies don't start getting their teeth in until well after their first birthdays.

Some babies already have teeth when they are born-did you know that already? Still other babies are born with no hope of having their teeth come in until they hit their first birthdays.

Did you know that when babies grow tails? It's true! As your baby's cells divide, the major organs (heart, lungs, brain) begin to form and so does a tail!

It's pretty much common belief that babies learn to smile long after they have entered the world. Gas is usually given credit for the first signs of smiling in a baby's life. Nobody thought that smiling could be instinctual; instead it was widely regarded as learned behavior. Crying seemed to be instinctual so everyone thought it was simply easier for babies to show when they were displeased and that expressing pleasure was something they had to be taught how to do. Now we know better. Advances have been made in ultrasound technology and more parents are seeing images of their children smiling while they are still in utero. Many doctors are now able to print out pictures for families that show the new baby smiling before he or she is born. Common belief now is that the birthing process is so traumatic for infants that they do not smile until they have gotten over the shocking change in environments.

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